
is vinyl really more involving than cd?i would like to see for myself,as well as hear your suggestions.also,whats the cheapest i could get into the vinyl thing as im tight on cash.(im 21)thank you,dave...

Showing 1 response by rjs

Vinyl (under most comparisons) sounds smoother and more natural than CD. You trade off some surface noise, detail, and distortion, but in many (or most) cases vinyl is a more pleasing sound to the ear. What's more, there's lots of good vinyl (little recent/popular music, but lots of old classical and 60-80s titles) available for very inexpensive prices (in San Francisco, there's a good selection of nice $1 records, many used record stores, and lots of good reissues out there).

On the downside, you have pay for another front end, you must put a lot more care into cleaning and storing records, and you can't pop them in the computer or car when you want to listen outside of your home system. I don't think vinyl is the right move for everybody, but I'm very happy having taken the plunge recently (I had only a few old records left over).

The best way to get into vinyl on a budget is to find a nice quality used rig and receiver. If you can afford a Rega 2, 3 or NAD 533 (about $100-500 used), I think that's a very good starting point. For somewhat less money you might find a decent Dual, Pro-ject, or Thorens rig. If you need to go new, there is a significant price bump, but I like the Music Hall MMF-5 at $500 or the Rega 3-2000 + Elys at about $700. The Creek OBM-8 is a good phono stage for $200 new (some people have reported RFI problems, but I don't have any and live in downtown SF).

Regards, RJS