
is vinyl really more involving than cd?i would like to see for myself,as well as hear your suggestions.also,whats the cheapest i could get into the vinyl thing as im tight on cash.(im 21)thank you,dave...

Showing 1 response by jaica

Vinyl can be a pain. The records need to be clean. You need to clean the cartridge. Software is not readily available. Your cartridge needs to be aligned correctly, and you need a phono pre.

If your system is right. Tubes preferably, or very good solid state, you might be able to suspend disbelieve for a moment and imagine you are there. The recording needs to be good. Not a cheap price to pay, but no cd is going to emulate it.

Even a MMf-2 preferably 5 and a black cube, Camelot technology Phono pre, beats the pants out of very expensive CD players.

Note; I had sworn off tubes and LPs, but my ears bring me back.

Once you start it can be dangerous. You will get a better turntable cartridge, a record cleaning machine, lots of "outdated software". It is a commitment. Is it worth it? I think it is. That is just my opinion.

Good luck