Vinyl woes / cartridge upgrade

There are many threads about dealing with the usual clicks and pops.  I have been reading them everywhere since starting into vinyl about a year ago (the most recent post by jay73 being somewhat typical of my experience).  I am trying out some of your very helpful recommendations.  Winter static very bad right now and it is obvious.  Even with a humidifier running 24/7 and careful cleaning, Zerostat, etc. most albums become fatiguing after the first couple of songs.  It seems like the static builds up as the record spins.  :-(

It has definitely been an up/down ride so far.  Once in a while (but not lately!) it just dials in and I get it.  I see what everyone is talking about with the sound.  Even with my modest rig - vintage Dual 1219 TT and Graham Slee Gram amp 2 - I get it.  Of course album condition plays a huge part.  Some good used finds and some that look good but sound bad.  Returned/exchanged 4 of the 10 brand new albums purchased (don't get me started).

So while working on cleaning/static solutions I am also considering upgrades.  I do like the Dual but possibly a new TT in the future.  For now I would like to get a new cartridge.  The current, and most likely original, is a Shure m93e.  Researched many threads and found some possible replacements to be Shure m97xe or v15.  These would be used I presume as Shure is out of the cartridge business.  Audio technica at440mla, Ortofon Red?  I think I prefer new.  Anybody with 1219 experience would like to share an opinion?  

I have about $300 into it so far between purchase and professional tune-up.  I figure I could drop another $100 - $200 to see what a new cartridge can do for me.  Not hi end, I know, but good enough for now.  Not sure that I want to dive deeper with a new TT, RCM, etc.

If you decide on a V15 and need a new stylus, I would recommend a JICO replacement. If you can get their SAS, it is a stellar performer. I have one on my V15 Type III and I love it. A lot of info is available out there. 
I recommend a Shure based product and basic technics direct drive.  I got mine for $10 at yard sale.  Added a custom matched NOS sperical needle and Stanton body $450.

I trust these guys advice and put your $ into the cartridge.  Then put your cheap turntable on bubble wrap and leave the cover open. 
PS: Almost all old vintyl is trash. Warped, poppie, scratched or all three. These need an amp with both low and high filters. I have a large collection of half speed masters from the 1980s and many of them are full of pops. 
The modern discs are good quality but they all have a charming floor of stone needles scaping through bumpy grooves.  Don't get me wrong!  I just sold an un opened MFSL UHQR limited edition (total 5000) Sgt Peppers for about $700. I bought it as an investnent for $55 in 1982, I think.   Shipping address AmConGen APO Frankfurt. 

I like SACD or MQA streaming bluetooth 5.0 from Tidal.  However,  I own half speed masters that were never re-issued.   Plenty of them from the old days. John Klemer's "Touch" is what I used as a sonic benchmark.  Still have a sealed copy. 

"PS: Almost all old vintyl is trash. Warped, poppie, scratched or all three."

I find the opposite to be true. Last night I spun Tom Rush "Tom Rush". I bought it a Goodwill for .99. Played nearly dead quiet. BTW great sonics on this lp.