I have a rega planar 25/RB600 arm. Grado platinum cart.I have a Record Doctor 2 I use Groove Glide and antistatic sleeves.I use a Decca brush Stylast Stylus cleaner and stylast treatment.Any ideas to further reduce the well known ticks, pops and surface noise in general.Im thinking zero stat gun,record clamp.Any help,thanks. OK DIGITHEADS HAVE YOUR FUN!!!

Showing 2 responses by tommy_in_sylmar

the record dr. IS a nitty gritty, which i know by experience, isnt that good. im going to splurge th $400 on the less expensive one. the fan blades on my rdII came off and tghe whole thing is put together with hot glue. such crap. anyway, i dont think that is your problem. you havent revealed you speakers and electronics; im sure theyre fine if you were smooth enuf to buy rega. if the rega was used, are the bearings properly adjusted. i know they dont go out of adj as often as a grace arm but its a thought. tweeter level could also be a problem. my ohter thought is vta. difficult to adj on rega but dont they supply shims? you could use wedges between the cart and shell. if you cant find the plastic ones that used to be avail, try making them out of balsa. i have recently seen where someone makes a commercially avail vta adjuster for rega for reasonable, ill try to find where i saw that. search al the rega posts on this site. dont bother with LAST, you wont after you buy it. too much of a pain like cd stoplight ti do every disc. yes, im from outer space where we can actually hear the cd stoplight difference, and cables too. am i wierd or wut? if you have a normal record collection, or a very large one, only a small fraction can be "audiophile" and at that , many times the selections avail on those labels arent what youd wanna listen too. windham hill is audiophile qual and who can stand geo winston imitate keith jarrett for more than one side? the truth is most record are not bad and actually pretty good. forgetr retutrnig copies, youre lucky to find vinyl to begin with. if i got a bad copy of say tom waits mulle variations, i wouldnt give up the vinyl until a replacement came..chances are they will be depleted before you get a replacement. if it tuirned to be that horrible, then you would have to settle for polycarbonate. another item to comnsider is that some import labels reduce noise by EQing it out. yes, some imports are better, the japanese ones ususally are. the self titled "Osamu" is an example. this is before mr kitajima actually rolled over into the genre he was grouped into: NEW AGE. its his best if you can find it. minnie ripperton vocalizes on it, soooo beautiful. it was cutting edge when it came out. theis was way before new age existed as a category. he deteriorated into that style a few albums down the road. keep the zereostat if you have it and USE it to kill the 50kv charge excited upon lifting the black thing off yur rega. the static draws sust and dirt particles right into the grooves wher the stylus hammers it into the vinyl at 40,000#/ zero or milty every record right as you remove it from the platter while groundingt your had (i sue my little finger) to the spindle so the static has a pathway to drain. hope you get to the bottom of this, vinyl is so much better sounding than 44.1.
albert.....i never considered washing after last but it sounds logical. most of these things are so damn expensive, that ists nearly not worth using more than dawn+water. the parastat and vpi brushes are a real necessity imho. too bad preeners arent avail any more, not as the only brush but you can tell if there is really any fine dust that needs to be washed off. an aq or equiv is also handy properly used. forget about the fibers getting in the grooves as one responder mentioned. i think youd have ot work fairly hard to accomplish that; sounded like speculation to me. nothing like experience, eh? wish i ahdntg given away the last now, but it probably would have dried up by now. their little stylus brush isnt bad although i prefer the real estate on the discwasher stylus brush. my friend and i have found that very dilute dawn in distilled water is about the best and safest on styluses, alcohol could damage the suspensions. keeping the dawn water fresh is a key too.