Vinyl Reason

I am setting my first stereo system which consists of turntable, amp and speakers. I wonder why people make a decision to go vinyl. In my case I just wanted to revoke that something I had in feel myself the way I felt 20 years ago when I was a expirience that ritual of landing LP on a turntable disk, starting the motor, pulling tonearm...whatching it spinning...
But for many people it could be quite different reason. Is it maybe because the quality of vinyl sound is "different"?..just like tube amp sounds differently from SS...

Showing 2 responses by nrchy

I listen to LPs to get all of those seeds out of my gatefold LPs. Does that make me a bad person?
I have about 1500 LPs which by any calculation makes them worth more than my TT/arm/cartridge. Some of the LPs date back to the mid 70's when I first started buying music, but I probably spent $500 at CES on Audiophile approved recordings too.

I listen to my TT because I like the music selection, but even more because it sounds better than my Sony SCD 777es. Digital is fine, but it's shortcomings are more and greater than that of analog.

Zaikesman, do you really think audiophiles are soo dumb that they jump on any bandwagon to come along regardless of whether or not it has anything to offer?

Aroc, therein lies the conundrum. Balance is the issue. A better playback system will preserve the quality of your collection, but you can buy a pig of a lot of LPs for the cost of a decent TT.