Vinyl “Pops & Clicks” eliminators

I’m betting a polarizing topic, but I ask the question as a truly curious audiophile who has just not honestly had the opportunity to do any real research on this category of, am not asking as either a proponent nor opponent of this technology.   So, a few obvious items: (1) it’s best to work with clean, unblemished LP’s (for multiple reasons) and (2) obviously a product designed to “remove” an audible defect is also going to affect the audible spectrum; but in what ways, exactly, both desirable and undesirable do these devices affect the music?

I’m talking specifically about devices like the Sweetvinyl Sugarcube SC-1, but I’ve literally done zero research so far on how many devices like this even exist.   The “Sweetvinyl” box comes to mind only because I see their ad in TAS mag, but I don’t know if there are other companies with similar products.   
Question is....we all have LPs in our collection that we acquired and for whatever reason were not kept “clean” and have scratches resulting in audible pops/clicks.   Are these devices — essentially selective filters — selective enough to do their job on imperfect records without destroying the surrounding harmonics?    Or do we just discard & reacquire any scratched records we own?   Or is this a “better” solution?

I’m gonna guess that literally 10% maximum of the Agon’ers who reply here have ever owned/heard these products used, so maybe let’s all just mention whether our opinion, our response, is based on real-life observations, or just theoretical replies.    Both have value, but for different reasons.


Showing 4 responses by jameswei

Fremer had a decent review of the SC-1, identifying positives and negatives.

Some other ways to remove pops and clicks are mentioned in the Comments section at the end of the review.
I keep a dust cover on my VPI while playing, and I have not observed any degradation.

To keep uncovered exposure of my vinyl to a minimum, my dust cover is suspended on string cabling and counterweighted, so I can just lift it up then pull it down without having to move it to a separate resting place.  Yes, I would have preferred a hinge, but none was available.
mijostyn, I have just ordered one from Sleeve City per your link.  I am looking forward to installing it.

Your suggestions for how to adjust it are helpful.  I am glad it requires a bit of tweaking.  It'll keep me happy fiddling with it for hours. heh
jameswei, add the sweep arm. It is only $20.00. Your records will stay even cleaner as they will not hold any static charge so will not attract duct on their way back and forth to the record cover and any incidental dust on
the record will be swept out of the way of your 52,000 psi stylus.

Thanks for the advice -- I’ll give it a try. Reminds me of the old Dust Bug I used to have; but I know its different.