Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??

I was wondering whether to dive into the world of Vinyl or wait for the new format to settle. You see, I have not listened to vinyl for more than 20 years now. I have all rated A equipment and cables and good collection of Audiophile and not so Audiophile CD. Recently I have been thinking of taking a dive into the world of Vinyl. However, knowing myself, I will not be satisfied unless I get some highend stuff which will cost me some serious amount of money. Not to mention that I have to start my collection of software. So my question here for you guys who want to help. Shall I make the move or just wait for the SACD/DVDA ? your input would be much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by wildoats

Vinyl can sound great on cheap equipment, I know since I've been listening to it for 50 years. You don't need an expensive turntable etc,to enjoy vinyl. Yes, it's better but not necessary.
Yet, not all vinyl is equal. Some vinyl really sucks and is not as good as it's digital equivalent.
In many instances it comes down to the recording quality, and some digital, anyway, keeps getting better.
The wild card is digital played from computer files where there is no moving playback (such as a cd player). This has enormous potential and is believed by some (when lossless) to be far superior to any current cd player. If this is perfected and storage capabilities are improved then it could get very interesting.