Each Individual on this Planet is today encouraged to discover a way to express a duty of care for the overall environment.
Making Minor changes to reduce a release of Carbon into the atmosphere is welcomed by so many who are living perilously as a result of the effects of rising water levels or Flooding / Drought, resulting from Climate change.
Pollution of the Atmosphere is probably not going to ever be resolvable, all are living with some form of threat to their respiratory remaining in good health.
Avoiding Polluting Water Courses, Estuaries ad ultimately the Oceans can only be a very good thing for all life that has a dependency on Water.
We are all on the bus, the route is to be creative in producing more of what is damaging.
Occasionally the most simple changes can be put in place that when all do it there is a impact for the better.
Simplicity is the key, start with little steps.
If your Health or Environment allows, Walk a short journey or two weekly.
If the opportunity arises to Make Do and Mend, have a go, one less item of production is one less energy consumed and one less discard of waste into a waterway.
As for a Hobby/enthusiasm such as HiFi, sticking loyal to chosen medium be it CD/Vinyl that has a embedded recording for a lifetime, is a activity that is admirable.
With the likes of the Vinyl LP, that has a wear and tear that reveals itself during a replay, being the result of the medium having been extensively used, is one with a sentimental attachment, as the wear is most likely a result of the use the long-term owner has put the medium through.
I have a Sister who still goes out for exercise walks with a Sony Walkman and Cassettes kept from her Teen Years, it is these recordings on these cassettes that are valuable to her. Her Daughters give up years trying to convince her differently.
There are enthusiasts who have recorded all their own medium onto a FLAC/WAV or MP3 and remains dedicated to the recordings on long-term owned Media, having found a new way to have musical encounters with them, that have the attachment to the same sentiment as the original owned Medium itself.
Any of the above are certainly innkeeping with doing something in the present day that will be seen as a valuable approach, aside from the Recycling, Upcycling, Repurposing, they are all methods to reduce ones impact on the environment, and encouraged to be maintained.
Each of the above if a little additional thought was attached could almost be run of a form of energy that is stated to be the future and much better for the environment.
The OP has a perfect opportunity to Buy Vinyl and CD's both New or Used and use them for multiple years ( a lifetime even), as well as a FLAC, WAV or MP3.
To not discard and make do is the attractive outlook for a betterment for future generations
Now think of the Modern Alternatives, where the latest structures produced to support the methodology can be seen from the moon, and are spewing out Carbon and what other, at a rate no one dare reveal as a True Quantification.
What about the, I sold my Multi-100, Multi-1000, CD or Vinyl LP collection to have a Streaming Service supply to me Multi-100's of Thousands of recordings at the instruction to a App.
What an environmental disaster in the making and what a disaster for the Performers caught up in the monies offered for their work used on a streaming network. A penny for your thoughts is about correct.