Vinyl is back for good and that’s exciting


Showing 4 responses by grislybutter

used vinyl prices have no bottom. They have become so cheap lately, with lots sold in so many places that $10 seems wild now. Maybe it will change, I am not sure what the life of a vinyl is, but it seems that there are too many copies out there and found and offered for sale to support e.g., $30/Pet Sounds  


I have no doubt we have different standards :) and I sure can appreciate your taste, collection and budget. 

Yes, I shop at goodwill,, ebay, discogs, used record stores in very ethnic neighborhoods with thick metal bars on the windows. Yes, it can be/will be junk. But my 10 best sounding records were ALL under $10. And I have a pile of records I thought I could sell for 15-30-50 bucks, based on "market value" - not a single offer 


@lewm I didn't think or mean you are a snob. (More like: I am a slob)
You just have different (higher) standards. I am sure that over time, I will too be pickier about what I put on my turntable, e.g. if I have a better cartridge. I am experimenting a lot, buying rare records. sometimes buying a lot of 10 at goodwill and find out they are all junk, sometimes buying 3 and they are all awesome.