Vinyl in the News

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Credit cards may soon be as outdated as vinyl records. (Remember those?) And this is the year that the slow, steady march to oblivion begins.

You can already use your iPhone, Droid or BlackBerry to buy a hotdog at the ballgame, buy your Starbucks latté, or give a friend a few bucks by Bumping phones. But by the end of the year you may not even think twice about reaching for your phone to pay at the register instead of fumbling for your credit card.

"Your plastic card hasn't changed since the age of the vinyl records," said Michael Abbott, CEO of Isis, a new mobile payment network. "This is the chance to bring payments forward from the plastic age and the vinyl records age to the digital age."

So "Perfect Money Forever" or "Due to Jitter your payment is Fuzzy"

Bottom line is that I'll still be using full resolution 180 gr gatefold credit cards 30 years from now and the kids will be paying for things with low res compressed money that they download from sketchy web sites.

Showing 1 response by corazon


you are absolutely right. marketing has convinced people this is what they need.

