Vinyl in Katy, TX

I’m driving to Katy, TX next month. Are there any nice vinyl sellers in that community?  I’m hoping I can stay in Katy and don’t have to drive into Houston and fight heavy traffic in order to shop for vinyl. Thanks in advance. 
There are 3 Half Price Books stores in or near Katy.  Especially great for classical multi-disc sets, but lots of rock/jazz/etc.  Everything, really.
I’m a big bicycle enthusiast and wish I could claim a bike accident, but truth be told, I was in a freak golf cart accident. Don’t ask any more questions....too embarrassing. Since my summer golf and biking and fall bowling league are now down the toilet, i’ll have a lot of free time to listen to music. 
Have to correct you....with my broken collarbone (happened Friday), I am NOT able to embrace  anything. lol