vinyl cleaning with wood

Hi all,

I have been researching a way of cleaning vinyls and at a certain point I came across a particular way...looked really funky to me.
They are using wood glue and it looks like it works better than anything else.
My perplexity is if glue remains deep down then it can ruin the pick up.

anybody has ever successfully used this method?
What do you guys think?

Showing 4 responses by dan_ed

I say it is dumb simply because of the time and labor involved spreading the glue, waiting, peeling it off. I can steam a record in less than two minutes and not have any second thoughts about leaving something behind to snag an expensive stylus.

We are all entitled to our opinions, so deal with it.
JOhnnyb53, the point was that what Davidsss described sounded to me like damaged vinyl. Not that the glue was going to hurt the LP. As David reports back, that indeed is the case.

Maybe someone should drop the glue thing and come up with a vinyl spackle. :-)