Vinyl Cleaning Fluid for VPI RCM

I have a VPI HW 17. I had been using Torumat fluid. I had 2 gallons I bought a few years ago and just recently ran out. It seems they must be out of business because I can not find it anywhere. If you know a source, can you let me know? If its not available, can you give me recommendations on a commercial cleaner that you like with the VPI or other machines(I don't want to mix my own concoction). Thanks for any input.

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Showing 3 responses by jes45

To each their own, Rackdoctor. I used to use Torumat until Albert Porter recommended RRL, which I found better in every way. (Must be system dependant ...)

Are you a customer of Brooks?

Well said, Dan_ed.

I guess that a google search now equals "research" of a product. In my google search, I found the following results for trisodium EDTA ...

1)Trisodium EDTA: Powdered sodium salt. Used as a chelating agent

2)Trisodium EDTA (Universal Preserv-A-Chem)

And, Trisodium EDTA is used as an oral chelator/intestinal wall cleanser as found at this link I've taken a similar product to chelate the plaque on my arterial walls after too many cheeseburgers. This site claims that it is a colon cleanser, too, and helps remove undigested material and fecal matter deep in your bowels.

So, it appears that trisodium EDTA is used both as a preservative (as stated at the Musical Surroundings website) and as a chelator to remove toxins from your body.

Rackdoctor: Maybe you should drink RRL fluid, rather than shave with it, as it will displace some of the undigested material deep in your bowels? Just a thought. :)

They use trisodium EDTA to help reduce toxins in the body. Must be an effective cleanser? Hmmm.

Nice try,

Now that we all know that trisodium EDTA is a chelator and a preservative, (as stated by RRL), can we move on?

To answer your question Garakakwa, Brooks Berdan will start production next year, if the info from Rackdoctor is correct.

I'm certain that this is exciting news for you both, given your satisfaction with that particular product.

4yanx makes an excellent point, nobody besides RRL mentions what is used in their product. I wonder what Turomat, for example, uses? Just wondering.

Best wishes,