Vinyl Cleaning Fluid for VPI RCM

I have a VPI HW 17. I had been using Torumat fluid. I had 2 gallons I bought a few years ago and just recently ran out. It seems they must be out of business because I can not find it anywhere. If you know a source, can you let me know? If its not available, can you give me recommendations on a commercial cleaner that you like with the VPI or other machines(I don't want to mix my own concoction). Thanks for any input.

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Showing 6 responses by 4yanx

Garakawa, I was in the same boat as you once, having used Torumat for some time before running out. In the time since, I have tried virtually every commerically available fluid and a host of home brews. Another member here, Albert Porter, offered several folks free samples of RRL fluids to try, which is where I learned of it. I decided to order some and it has worked exceedingly well for me (I use a 16.5). I've tried lots of others since, but for the best combination of performance, application, failure to leave any sort of resiude or sonic impact, and peace of mind that it will do no harm to records, RRL fluids belong on the very top shelf. Check your e-mail.
Rackdoctor, the experience of you and Elliot would seem to be extremely rare anomalies in a very large sea of folks who feel the exact opposite. Given that the RRL fluids are found by most everyone to be the purest of anything they’ve tried or seen, reports of “deadening the highs” are very hard to imagine. Something must be amiss in your application – or something. As to the claim of “hand lotion ingredients”, I think you should provide some solid proof in evidence. “I researched it” proves nothing to me. Where? When? How? I had discussions with the guy who developed the RRL fluids (Brian Weitzle) and, based on his sincerity and detailed discussions of the research and development process that went into making the stuff in the first place, I’d be nearly willing to wager my system that “hand lotion ingredients” are not part of the formula. Maybe you have it confused with another product which actually smells a bit of hand lotion. If you can actually substantiate what you say about the RRL fluids, I’d be all ears. If not, it is a very irresponsible statement which should be retracted.
OK, so your "proof" says that Trisodium EDTA is in a bunch of personal care products, and a favorite of Revlon. There is nothing there with any link whatsover to any record cleaning products of any kind. As I figured, my system is safe where it sits. Think of something else to wash the egg from your face with. Oy.....
Garakawa, the answer is yes along with some other fluids that do not contain alcohol. I'd always ask the mfg in any case, though. to be on the safe side. For sure, anything with alcohol will ruin shellac 78's.
OK, you win Rack, one of the ingredients found in the RRL fluids is one found in some personal care products. As pointed out by a few others since, it is also used in a variety of other applications for the same purpose. I had not seen the ingredient listed for RRL, as I had not read the product info on the Musical Surroundings site..which also says, among other things...

"Trisodium EDTA is added to the surfactant as a preservative, greatly reducing bacterial growth with no sonic signature. Carboglycinates are added as a vinyl lubricant, again chosen for its lack of sonic signature. Both compounds are vinyl and environmentally friendly."

What I find "interesting" is that RRL discloses ANY of its ingredients. Try asking the makers of nearly any commerically available fluids for any of their ingredients and see what you come up with. I spoke with Brian Weitzle on the phone a couple of times when I was researching fluids some time ago. Bottom line is that he spent a couple of years and several thousand dollars in research and development before ever making the stuff available. The very fact that Trisodium EDTA is mentioned specifically in product literature, in combination with the reports of countless happy users, leads me to believe that your mention of it as "interesting" because it is used on "women's hand lotion" is a red herring, at best, and misleading, as well.

If the product does not work for you, I doubt anyone has a problem with that, per se. I know that I really don't care what anyone else uses, as long as they're happy. And just as you give your opinion, don't be surprised if others note their opinion as opposite from yours.

However, your allusions in making the references you have are fairly plain to me, and to others who have posted since.

You can take it anyway you want it.

It seems some have done just that.