Vinyl Buyers: The Premium Price Vinyl v. Cheap Vinyl Ratio

The market share of vinyl in new recordings is driven to a large degree by willingness of vinyl buyers to pay premium prices. Nevertheless, there is a huge pool of cheap vinyl out there; records that sold millions so there's hundreds of thousands of copies on the market and on down. To listeners who buy a lot of vinyl these days, what is the ratio of your budget between premium price/collector price albums vs. low price albums?

Personally, when I buy vinyl it's usually things that never came out on CD, which is often quite reasonably priced, but the sticking point is the price of pandemic era shipping, which is staggering. There was a seller of English folk music on Discogs who offered free shipping on orders over the equivalent of US $250, so I started tossing things and tossing things into the shopping cart (or basket, as they call it in Blighty) to get up to that figure. I finally wound up spending $350. I would say about $150 of that was collector-price items.

Showing 2 responses by sbank

Until recently I bought ~ 10 used originals / 1 new release or reissue. 

Lately, the Tone Poets, Blue Note Classic Series and other ALL analog reissues have me leaning in. IMHO, the success of these series and similar are the greatest trend in the hobby. BUY THEM WITH GUSTO!

To paraphrase Norman Maslov & Michael from Dusseldorf on youtube this week, just imagine if Don Was or some other big wig at BigRecordCo leans in we could be looking at similar series of Atlantic, Epic, A&M, etc. 70s rock albums, That is what I'm dreaming of...Cheers,
Yeah, I've had trouble finding decent price good-sounding Who albums, both early pressings and reissues. One exception is this reissue of Quadrophenia
