Vintage vs New

My children growing older and leaving home has allowed me to get back into our common interest. I find myself wanting a new pair of speakers and I’m torn between some vintage models that interested me in easier times, but were not obtainable due to budgetary limitations, and current models with their state of the art drivers.  Case in point: B&W 801 Matrix Anniversary vs. anything in the 702/703.
I would like to hear people’s thoughts.  

Showing 1 response by ggc

If you are happy with the way your system sounds then I would leave it alone. Some times that is the hardest part about this hobby. I believe that newer isn't necessarily better.

If you are looking to improve the sound - there are several ways to make improvements without replacing speakers. ( more power = cleaner sound)

If you feel that you absolutely need new speakers, then I would look beyond B&W. There are a lot of option especially in a used market.