Vintage SS repair shop near Cleveland/Columbus/Detroit?

Have a Sansui 1000X receiver that lost its AM section during a nearby lighting strike. FM section and amplifier still work properly. I’d like to get it fully checked out, repaired and tuned-up. I have the schematics for it, but no box so need somebody relatively local.

Also have an RGR 4-1 preamp with a major channel imbalance and an intermittent Phono 1 selector position. The rest of the pots and switches are fine. This one I have the box for, but no schematics.

Thanks for your suggestions!


Showing 2 responses by effischer

@jl35, just heard back from Steve there.  They aren't interested at this time.  He says they are 4 months behind.  Any other suggestions?

Anybody else know of someone in this region?
@2psyop Thanks, I'll give them a try.  I'd contacted a guy a little closer to my location from the old Audio Craft operation in Cleveland, but he won't give me a phone number.  Doesn't inspire confidence.

@jl35 Appreciate the follow-up, but GR is just too far to work for me.  I'm kind of bummed that Clearview wasn't interested - I'm in Sterling Heights every month and they would have been pretty convenient.

Such is life!