Vintage - McIntosh gear - repair/restoration.

In the past have had my MR78 & MPI4 serviced/maintained by Terry DeWick. He's retired now, wondering if anyone can recommend someone? Would be nice in Atlanta or reseasonable drive?

Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

OP did you ask Terry, He is still doing some work..  He's no spring chicken.  The weight was the killer, last time I talked to him.. Macs are heavy.

Mike Samra, takes a while, but he is one of the best, him and Mr DeWick are best of phone buddies..

Hard to find sometimes, He's an automotive / teacher. Green sock, red sock fella... I guess he's still around... He did complete rebuilds, where Terry wouldn't.. Give you the scope before and after, BIG C20 fan..
