Vintage Krell

Recently I asked one of the very most informed Krell individuals on the planet which vintage Krell amp would he personally buy. Out of a universe of potential candidates he picked the KSA 200s. Do any of you members own or have owned this unit? I will say that in those days no expense was spared on the metalwork. The damn thing today would cost 3 times it’s original price. Any Krell guys out there with hands(ears) knowledge of this unit?

Showing 1 response by sabciu

I just picked up a Krell KSA-200S to run my Magnepan 1.7i’s and am simply blown away by this combination. I have been listening to High Efficiency Speakers with Dual McIntosh MC240’s running in Mono, which have been terrific and very musical, but this combination for a Solid State is a keeper!! The AMP is a BEAST!