Vintage integraded amp any suggestions??

I have a pair of Klipsch KLF30's speakers that sit in our tv room, that we rarely use. My main system is basically done, so I thought it might be fun to build a retro or possibly 300B system around these speakers. I'm not looking to break the bank by any means (less than $1000 which would include cd player and integraded amp) as I don't want to do preamp. I have cables and such, so that's not a concern. Any suggestions on good quality vintage equipment that won't break the bank? I was looking at the Mapleshade site and they have some old Scott amps that they recondition; maybe an old Fisher, McIntosh, etc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by atomickid

See the latest issue of Stereophile; it has an in-depth
review of the 1964 Fisher 500c. Basically the reviewer found it VERY good for making music sound like music.
Of course, most Stereophile reviews are good, so I guess you can take that into account if you want.
Seems worth checking out if you are looking into vintage amps (although this is a reciever).
By the way, it's integrated.