Vintage dbx Products

Hello forum members,

Do any of you see a use for old dbx products?  I have a dbx 224 and a program route selector I purchased back in the early 80's.  I am cleaning out some old electronics for recycle.  Maybe the dbx 200 is useful to someone, but not sure the 224 is of any use.  Got rid of my reel-to-reel and cassettes long ago.




Showing 2 responses by tfee

Well, it was working fine when I boxed it up and its been sitting in its original packing for years.  I assume it still works.

Thanks jheppe805, I will check there.  Agreed, made some great cassettes as well, although a bit earlier than you and from vinyl.   I still use the technics SL-10 I purchased in 1982.  Brings back some great memories.