Views on the Marantz SA 14 cd player

Anyone using the Marantz SA14 mostly for their redbook cds? I'm sure it's great with SACD software, but what about redbook? Most of my collection is standard cds.
But with SACD titles coming down in price, I'm considering looking at buying a SACD player. Does this player perform well with standard cds? Does the player perform better in
balance mode against the single-ended option.
All views appreciated.
I use the SA-14 placed atop the Neuance platform.

Although I do have some SACD's, I too have a huge CD collection. The Marantz replaced an older Krell setup, and blew it away.

John Marks, of Stereophile and of John Marks Records(audiophile CD's), uses the Marantz SA-14 as his reference.
