Views on Acoustic Signature Tables

I am looking at one of these TT's. Probably one of the higher level models like in the Thunder to Ascona range. I like high mass designs and Gunther seams to make a well engineered table with decent value for the high end. Anyone have any a reason to stay away??

Showing 2 responses by zigon

I purchased a WOW XL from Gene Rubin earlier this year. It's one of the lower priced turntables; however, I did get the TA1000 tonearm with it.

I am quite pleased with it overall. I did have an issue with the shielding on the tonearm cable (a 6-8" section was not shielded at all which permitted interference to be induced). A-S Germany and the importer did fix it by replacing the tonearm with the DIN version (and fully shielded DIN cable from Avanti Audio fixed it); however, the replacement took almost 8 weeks. During this time they had my tonearm and the tt was out of commission. In my opinion, that could have been handled better.
Wattsperchannel, I'm afraid I don't have any good comparative feedback to offer. Almost none of my turntable comparisons to date have had enough components (or venue) in common to be helpful in that way.