Views on Acoustic Signature Tables

I am looking at one of these TT's. Probably one of the higher level models like in the Thunder to Ascona range. I like high mass designs and Gunther seams to make a well engineered table with decent value for the high end. Anyone have any a reason to stay away??

Showing 1 response by fjn04

05-31-15: Wattsperchannel
"Thanks Photon. One concern I have is that it just doesn't seam like many people in the USA own the higher level Acoustic Signature models. I am wondering if that is due to limited USA distribution or something else. The reviews have all been excellent but I don't see many users."
*Unfortunately, I think this holds true of most all German manufacturers. Perhaps AMG is an exception, having a very established importer behind them. I recently heard a Brinkman Spyder table, and it was extremely good.