Vienna Mozart Grand or Beethoven Baby Grand

Anyone compared these two? I am trying my friends old Mozart (the pre-Grand model) and its really good but considering stepping up to the Beethoven Baby Grand. I have a Moon I-3RS amp, goes really well with the Mozarts.

Also the Hifi News Aug 08 review of the Beethoven Baby Grand suggests it could be a demanding amp load as the minimum impedance gets down to 1.5ohms (average is 4ohms). Does anyone know what this means? My amp, the Simaudio moon I-3RS is rated 200W at 2ohm - could the speakers damage the amp when the impedance gets low?
Thanks for your help in advance.

Showing 3 responses by dcstep

I compared and bought the Baby Grands. They're full range down to 30hz and should work fine with your amp; however, more power is useful to get the last nth out of them. They're very musical.

Good point Dlee. The VA Baby Grands have a rear-firing, which need to engage the rear wall, BUT moving them just a fraction of an inch can produce a bass node or hump that'll spoil the overall balance and the mids. Fortunately, only a little patience is needed to get it right. Better yet, in the US, if you buy from a Sumiko dealer they'll set it up for you using their amazing Master Set method and you'll hear exactly how good things can get.

08-16-08: Acdvd asked:
"Do you mean the closer you are to the wall the less bass node/hump you will get?

How far should they be from the rear wall?"

It's coomplicated. My left speaker is 16" from the rear wall, but the right is 14" due to irregularity in the shape of the wall behind it. If you move them closer the bass humps up and the midrange gets muddy. If you pull them a few inches further out the same thing happens at slightly different frequencies.

Before Soundings HiFi did my Master Set for me I'd pulled them several feet out into the room, because I had trouble getting both solid bass and clean midrange with great imaging. I was getting clean midrange and great imaging put giving up a ton of bass. Also, though I didn't realize it, the mids were "shouty", causing me to run at levels several dB lower than I do after the Master Set.

If you really interested in this, see the separate thread about the Sumiko Master Set. There's a link in my profile. If you set yours at 16" I'd consider that only a rough starting point.
