Vienna Liszt vs. Focal Sopra No2

Hi Guys!
Still looking for the ultimate speaker. My current speaker a very coherent, magical, but too polite Avalon Ascendant. I have to say, I prefer a bit of a warmth and softness, over ultra clear, razor sharp analytical sound.
Someone compared the Vienna Liszt of the Focal Sopra No.2 ? They are my short list. Unfortunately, my room is slightly small (16*10), it may be neither is my way.
Any thoughts, experiences on these speakers or possible alternatives? Thank you in advance.

Showing 1 response by arboc

Thank you both very useful opinions. Goose, if the Liszt brings the rich tonality of Avalon, but with greater dynamis, more air, and faster sound, while retaining all the weight, and texture , and I can enjoy unchanged the music for hours on end, it is likely this is my way