Vienna Acoustics 'The Music'

I love the less expensive VA sound and really want to hear their statement product. Is there anywhere in the greater Chicago a guy could go to listen to these speakers? TIA Steve

Showing 1 response by itsjustme

I can’t guide you to a local dealer, but I can comment that there seem to be very few, and even fewer that stock many of the range.

That said, i own the predecessor to the Music - the Mahler. They are superb; open, dynamic, uncolored, deep bass, extended highs. Excellent image. Like any highly resolving speaker, they are fussy - garbage in, garbage comes through clearly; so you need a good amp, preamp, source(s). Fortunately, one thing i have in triplicate is good electronics.

One person commented that distribution is weak, and resale therefore weak - true. I own them in part because they were more or less given up on - fussy, broken, expensive to fix, and i bought them at a steep discount and (mostly) fixed them. I do have one damaged driver to go... and they STILL sound superb.

All that said, I think they are probably well worth seeking out. There are few speakers that are sufficiently revealing for me to use for critical evaluations of other components, and at the same time be musical and involving enough to simply forget what I’m doing and lose myself in the music.

Not to be on a high horse, but be cautious about taking a dealer’s time to hear a huge investment, if you are shopping a used pair... not really fair and one reason there are fewer and fewer places to hear them.
Back to my strange bedfellows of Rubinstein playing the Moonlight, followed by LZII.