Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand + Bel Canto C5i vs..

I just acquired a new closeout set of Vienna Mozart Grands in the black piano finish. I have heard these speakers numerous times at various store settings and love the open, sweet, encompassing, not fatiguing sound. I am looking for an integrated amp + DAC either combined or seperate that will be a good match for my speakers.

I will be using this mostly for stereo audio and occasional home theater. I listen to a mixture of Jazz, Pop and Tecnno (Minimal and Ambient House). I plan to listen to mostly iTunes acquired high quality MP3s or streaming internet through an optical connection of an airport express.

I am seriously thinking about getting a Bel Canto c5i. Its a new high current integrated amp + good DAC for $2000 new. Does anyone know if this is a good combo match for my speakers? I don't mind getting an integrated amp and a seperate DAC used on Audiogon. My budget is $2000 for an int amp + DAC. Suggestion/feedback/your 2 cents are welcome. Thank you!
Regarding the Bel Canto C5i... you can tell from reading this thread there are no raves about this product, and it seems those who purchased are struggling to find positives and justify the purchase.

Looking at the inside pics, it may well be the DAC stage is quality, but the amplification is a stock standard ICEpower ClassD module, and at the the cheap end of that range.
Maybe, but I think this is one of the biggest issues in audio today. No raves equal a not so great or average product? Most of the ones that do rave about something end up being the most fickle and sell it on after a few months anyway.

I find the C5i to be an interesting product, not sure on the pricing just yet as far as value overall, but I could see it filling the needs of quite a few people that want a simple, no-nonsense approach and have relatively sensitive speakers. I know it is making me think a little about simplifying!

Guess I should get out and take a listen to one of these soon. Enjoy the music! Tim
The Bel Canto won me over when I was comparing them to the Peachtree iNova. The speakers used at Stereoexchange of NYC were B&W monitors (can't recall model). Between the amps, the c5i had tighter lows & the top wasn't tinny.
Straight out of the box they sounded good, paired with my ProAc Studio 100. This pairing has worked for me so far. The c5i is straight forward, no glow lights, no motorized dial, plastic remote. The headphone section drives my Grados easily, the speaker outputs automatically mute when a pair of cans are detected. Thats a plus. Also, there's no hiss from the amp. It is absolutely quiet. They run cool to the touch, I've not powered them down since I got them! The only downside to this pairing is that it is unforgiving to less than stellar recordings. But then, these could be attributed to the speakers. I'm still running the amp & speakers in, hopefully they age gracefully.