Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand + Bel Canto C5i vs..

I just acquired a new closeout set of Vienna Mozart Grands in the black piano finish. I have heard these speakers numerous times at various store settings and love the open, sweet, encompassing, not fatiguing sound. I am looking for an integrated amp + DAC either combined or seperate that will be a good match for my speakers.

I will be using this mostly for stereo audio and occasional home theater. I listen to a mixture of Jazz, Pop and Tecnno (Minimal and Ambient House). I plan to listen to mostly iTunes acquired high quality MP3s or streaming internet through an optical connection of an airport express.

I am seriously thinking about getting a Bel Canto c5i. Its a new high current integrated amp + good DAC for $2000 new. Does anyone know if this is a good combo match for my speakers? I don't mind getting an integrated amp and a seperate DAC used on Audiogon. My budget is $2000 for an int amp + DAC. Suggestion/feedback/your 2 cents are welcome. Thank you!

Showing 8 responses by lajollabiker

Thanks for the heads up Bob! I read many users fill sand into their Vienna Bach Grands (lighter brother of the Mozarts). I'll definitely consider adding some although I have no idea how to do this... Maybe on another forum somewhere.
Thanks for the input guys!

Just ordered the C5i this week as well. Although slightly afraid it will not provide enough dampening factor to drive dynamic sound of my Vienna's. Will let you know how it sounds when I get mine.

Different topic but does anyone have any recommendations for budget/quality speaker cables?
I'm pretty happy with mine. Here's a video of my Vienna's hooked up to my Bel Canto C5i.

The amp in the C5i, while rated at 65 watts x 2 into 8 Ohms in reality has 30 amps peak current output! (The previous unit while having more watts only had a 12 amp peak current capability.) Plus, the C5i’s amp is stable to 3 Ohms! Good Stuff!
Thanks for the update Jajur! I still haven't received mine yet. Glad to hear your happy with it so far.
Keep in mind the acoustics in this room are terrible. Its a loft with 17 foot ceilings!
Just received my Bel Canto C5i and spent most of the day listening and so far it far exceeds my expectations. I've heard my speakers Vienna Mozart Grands powered by a Peachtree Nova and McIntosh MC2102 in two different store settings. I must say it is definitely closer to the McIntosh in sound staging, tonality, clarity, dynamics and authority. Bright highs and colorful mid range with natural and surprisingly deep bass. My listening space is not ideal;- a loft with 18 foot ceilings about 14x20 foot room.

Electronic House and Hip Hop music even played remarkably well with my Mozarts which are known more for classical and Jazz music which performed beautifully. Some of the songs I auditioned included Belfast(Penguins and Cats)-Katie Melua, Walk on the Wild Side-Lou Reed and Somewhere over the Rainbow-Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. I had a big smile on my face after each song.

This is of course my first impression and may change after initial break in time of 48-72 hours on the Bel Canto and 100 hours on my Viennas which are new as well. IMHO, I would recommend these speakers for the Bel Canto. I will definitely write more in the following weeks and would be happy to contribute more to this entry but I have an early morning conference call and have spent the entire evening reveling in my newly complete system. Thanks for everyone that provided advice. I look forward to contributing more to the thread in the near future!
Rodm3878 - Are their any regrets with the Cambridge iD100? Do you have any issues using your iPhone with this? What about streaming Pandora, etc? I am having a frustrating time with streaming audio via Airplay consistently from iPhone 4 to my Apple TV (which has digital outputs to the C5i).

Btw, If you are interested in the Vienna Mozart- I think they fit your style, Jazz,etc. There are a few used ones on Audiogon at your prices range. Check it out.
Hey Guys,

I hooked up my two channel set up to my home theater and I realized it would be nice to get a sub. My budget is about $600 used maybe higher if the model was really impressive. I'm looking for a sub that can add the boom in movies and also extend the lower parts of bass in music without distorting the mid-range from my speakers. I have heard good things about the Rel R series with sub-bass systems. Is there any other bass / sub system you can recommend for me?
