Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand

Are the Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand as good as the review they recived in the Absolute Sound? I had just decided to purchase the Spendors S8e's and it was recommended i take a listen to the Haydn Grand. I do not have any dealers in my local area to audition these speakers. Would appreciate any feedback for both music & film. Room size 11' x 15'. I listen to mostly blues, jazz & rock.

Plinius 9200
CD Player will be new Naim cdi-2 (Current Sony 9100es)
cables: all FMS

Showing 1 response by lapierre

My Haydns (currently in my HT setyp) are powered with Musical Fidelity A308 (250 watts.) I buy small speakers and push them to the max with excellent components. Imaging, soundstage, and depth are pretty impressive with the Haydns. You can create good bass extension with the correct placement.