Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand

Are the Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand as good as the review they recived in the Absolute Sound? I had just decided to purchase the Spendors S8e's and it was recommended i take a listen to the Haydn Grand. I do not have any dealers in my local area to audition these speakers. Would appreciate any feedback for both music & film. Room size 11' x 15'. I listen to mostly blues, jazz & rock.

Plinius 9200
CD Player will be new Naim cdi-2 (Current Sony 9100es)
cables: all FMS

Showing 1 response by dcstep

They ARE that good. HOWEVER, the Spendors are also very good. Unless you can find a way to listen for yourself, I'd discourage picking something based on a review over something you've actually heard.
