Video: noise floor and tweeter hiss, what do you think?

Recorded this video about noise floor and tweeter hiss:

Comparing Gryphon Essence to Dan D’Agostino Momentum.

Curious to see your suggestions and ideas.


Showing 3 responses by robert1976

@ramon74 turns out there’s nothing to fix. I can’t hear it at the listening position so it’s not an issue. It’s normal, even in ultra high-end equipment. 

"... by putting an attenuator on the cable going into the amp"

Thanks for chiming in @russ69. Are you referring to the XLR (or RCA) cable? What does such an attenuator look like? Any links or pics you could share?

Would something like this work, or do we need audiophile grade?

FYI, the Gryphon pre + power has +49dB gain, the D’Agostino Momentum +59dB.

P.S. I switched my DAC between 0.6v, 2v and 6v; no difference. Disconnecting the DAC also makes no difference.

Thanks for the link to the article @russ69 

My speakers are 94dB sensitivity. Combined with 49dB gain may very well be responsible for the hiss.

I do us a Puritan mains filter and good cabling, so I do not suspect the problem lies there.