Hi Ketchup and Plato, probably vibration control devices alter sound like dither does in digital reproduction of music or second harmonics distortion in tube gear. By emphasizing certain resonance frequenties and reducing other perhaps one can induces small distortions that when not present in huge amounts can make reproduced music even more "natural" sounding. Maybe it's the second harmonics distortion again that emphasized or induced by the vibration control or the resonance control devices. Forgive me for these rather weird and non scientific explanation.
There are a lot of vibration control devices out there for our electronic components as well as a lot of discussion as to what method to use on what component, but there is very little info that explains the vibrations themselves.
I think I understand how vibration control can be very important for a turntable, but what exactly are these vibrations doing inside of the other components to alter the sound? Is it as simple as, when parts such as caps and resistors are shaken that they just don't function as well as a non-shaken cap or resistor? Do they begin to operate "out of spec" when vibrated? I would be interested to check out some references and hopefully learn something if anyone has a link or two that explains this phenomenon. I'm not interested in the fixes, but the problem itself.
I think I understand how vibration control can be very important for a turntable, but what exactly are these vibrations doing inside of the other components to alter the sound? Is it as simple as, when parts such as caps and resistors are shaken that they just don't function as well as a non-shaken cap or resistor? Do they begin to operate "out of spec" when vibrated? I would be interested to check out some references and hopefully learn something if anyone has a link or two that explains this phenomenon. I'm not interested in the fixes, but the problem itself.