Vibration - What are the Main Sources?

A current thread discussing the best tweaks gave consistently high ranking for component isolation. I am curious to know where all the vibration is coming from that we are addressing with isolation. I understand that high volume listening can create significant vibration, but for the sake of this discussion let's assume we are listening at moderate levels. Can the vibrations from moderate sound levels affect the quality of sound? Are there other common significant sources of vibration that we are guarding against that can dramatically affect sound?

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Vibration - What are the Main Sources?

On a professional level, a large part of my training and job was to identify and eliminate destructive vibrations in industrial machinery. Aside from the out of balance of any of the machinery's rotating component/components, the cause and affects are much the same as with audio - looseness or wear of any component which can creating a secondary vibration that transfers into and affects the performance of other components of the machinery and Internal and external forces that can excite or magnify a resonance through the machinery.
The solution/solutions are much the same - isolate from external forces and sources of vibration, firmly couple to a firm foundation (smaller mass to a larger mass) dampen flimsy component shells/cases (most good components are designed with hefty cases and anti vibration in mind) and tighten anything loose.

As mentioned most good speakers are designed to eliminate resonance from their cabinet and with the use of spikes or cones what little there is can be coupled into the much larger mass of a floor or foundation and the amount of isolating, coupling or dampening needed with the components will depend on everyones different environment, situation and taste.

With my Maggies, I dampen and weight the flimsy footers with decorative shot bags (speaker cabinet resonance is not a problem). My components I coupled to thick Black Walnut bases with brass cones and my TT I isolated with home made iso pads, composed of multiple layers of felt and rubber.
For me, the most reasonable and straight forward method of controlling vibration is usually the most cost effective and satisfying. This all works well for me and is as far as I care to take it. I have never been to a live concert or performance that sounded sterile and void and I have no desire to make my home system sound completely sterile and void.

We are all on our own journey, so experiment and go with what and how much works for you.
Happy listening....Jim