Vibraplane vs. Minus k for Turntables

I would love to know if anyone has tried both the Vibra plane and the Minus k under their TT with the same system. Please let us know your comments.
It would also be great to hear about the positives and negatives of both products from anyone with experience with either a Vibraplane or Minus K.

Showing 1 response by george_a

About 10 years ago Stereophile had a good article on vibration control. It is well worth reading. It mentioned Newport Corp, which has a lot vibration control products, and I ended up using their air pods which have active isolation in both horizontal and vertical planes. I forget the f but it is on their website. By using their pods I was able to custom make my own rack where each shelf has active air isolation.

I did not like the Vibraplane because of the inconveniece its weight and that is uses rubber-like pucks for the horizontal plane.

Steve Klein of Sounds of Silence, who adapted the Vibraplane for audio, said he tried the next level Vibraplane which had a lower f (I think 1Hz) and said he could not hear a difference. But as stated above this would depend on your environmental factors.

No experience with the MinusK. Other than its size limitation it looks impressive. I'm sure all three companies have graphs showing the resonant frequencies and attenuation so one can compare performance.