Vfet / SIT Amplifiers

Are there Vfet amplifier owners on this forum?

If yes, what do you own and what are your impressions?


Showing 2 responses by sp33ls

Oh, yeah, hey rottalpha! Small world. :)

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted by the C-1, but my Pioneer Exclusive C3 is just so gorgeous that it would be hard to let go. Plus, all the work I've put into recapping and cleaning... :0

I've not posted any measurements, no. I'd love to get mine measured, tho. Just to verify I built the thing 100% correctly (aside from test point measurements).

So I built the DEFiSIT-based amp with a pair of my Tokin SITs.


It may be only 20-30WPC, but the bass is astounding.

It's hard to describe, but the music is simply more immersive than any other amp I've tried.