Very faint hiss from tweeter

I just put a new system together and noticed that when no music is playing, if I put my ear very close to the tweeter on either speaker, there is a very faint hiss sound.  Is this indicative of a problem?  Its not audible unless my ear is very close to the tweeter, but I wonder if its polluting amplified sound when I play music.  Should a system be stone cold silent when powered on with no music playing?

Heres my stack:
Focal Aria 936
Parasound A23+
Schiit Freya+
Bluesound Node X


Amplifier Voltage gain explained – matching amp to preamp see here. 😎



Freya plus does the hiss on my system. Yes tubes produce hiss most of  the time. Don’t put your hears next to the speakers all good.

Thanks for the helpful hints.  I tried all 3 modes on the Freya+ and eventually shut it off, and this hiss remained.  The amps gain is set to 12 o'clock, which is what it was on when I took it out of the box.  Unfortunately it's a hassle to get to the back of it now, so I'll try to lower it when I have some time to move things around.  But since the tubes are ruled out, I suspect its that or line interference.  

The noise doesn't bother me since its nearly inaudible, and I don't listen to music with my ear in front of the speaker.  This was simply something I was wanting to learn from.  

FWIW, I have an A23+ with an LTA tube preamp, a Schiit Bitfrost 2/64, and a Schiit Kara. The LTA runs through the Kara in passive mode, or I use the Kara for SS. A basic Furman surge protector and no other exotic cables. 

When I put my ear up to my tweeter I hear nothing. When I introduced a Schiit Lokius to my system, I heard hiss when I listened to the tweeter. When I removed it, the hiss disappeared.