Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio

This was not my first purchase from Kevin Deal at Upscale audio. I am a entry level audiophile. My PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP and Dialogue Premium Preamplifier have given many hours of enjoyment. I have purchased well over 1K in tubes from Kevin. This purchase took me over the 10K mark with Upscale Audio. I am not a rookie to audio or tube amplification. I have had a successful tube amp repair and design shop since 1993. 
My concern.
Here is the description of the Acoustic Zen Adagio from Upscale audio's website.
This pair of Adagio's from our demo room are also the last pair of Adagio's in our inventory. The Adagio is such a sweet sounding speaker and is perfect for those who really like to get inside the music. The pair we have are in the stunning Figure Red wood finish. The baffle style is the original (and better sounding) non-tapered baffle, as pictured. Price $2499.00 plus shipping
I called Kevin and talked to him on the phone.  I asked him if he would entertain an offer. I told him that I had seen the same speakers offered on Audiogon and Audioasylum for considerably less.
He said I am a retail store and back my products. He also said this and I quote " Those people are just guys in their underwear scratching their asses." I am a store.
I trusted the description of the speakers and I trusted Kevin.
Total price. $2839.  $2499.00 plus $340.00 shipping to NC.
The speakers arrived and I couldn't wait to unpack them and hook them up. The packing was great. My anticipation was greater.
Left speaker Tweeter DOA. The same speaker had a shameful reject finish.  The lacquer was so clouded you can hardly see the wood figure. The back of the speaker was loaded with black specks under the lacquer. These speakers are seconds, rejects. I sent Kevin Deal 4 emails referring to the fact that this really was a bad deal.  It has been 3 days and no response.
On the other hand Robert Lee ( Owner of Acoustic Zen)  responded immediately to my email asking for help with the DOA Tweeter. I sent it off next day air to him and today responded that it is on it's way back  to me.
Somehow Kevin Deal's Train ran off the tracks so don't ask for your money back


Showing 5 responses by jetter

rbogartr, you wrote above,

"Anyway I am guessing this post is dead now, thanks for all your inputs. I can't wait to hear them when the tweeter arrives. You live and learn. I learned a lot on this purchase."  

I am confused about your saying above that this post is dead now.  Are you saying that now that Kevin knows about the situation he will repair or preferably refund you the money for the speaker purchase?  Or are you saying you are going to live with the ugly speakers with the new tweeter and accept you were ripped off?  Or are you saying that he offered you money to keep or for you to repair the speakers cosmetically?

If its anything but you are sending the speakers back for a full refund forget about it.  Also, you really should provide the final resolution to this situation because you may not know it but a lot of people who currently deal with Kevin may not in the future if this is not ultimately resolved in a professional manner.

I've managed to go awhile without a major life's setback, I am truly sorry for your loss rbogartr.  We do all handle things differently.  In your situation I would feel like screaming in his face.  Your a nice guy and if we have the whole he story someone has done you really wrong and for a lot more than $500.  I have been a member here for so many years I can't remember, and having a successful person act like this is pretty close to an all time low.

Sounds like he is going to do a full refund.  Unfortunately most likely Op eats shipping.
Well said all the way around timlub.  Was also wondering if op received a refund or the speakers were refinished? 
It sounds like Mr. Deal attended the Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde academy of audio salesmanship.