Verity Parsifals to Von schweikert VR4 Gen III ??

I have the original Verity Audio Parsifal speakers. I'm planning on replacing them with Von Schweikert VR4 Gen III's. My question is this: Do you guys think this is an upgrade or a downgrade? Am I making a mistake?

In appearance and size, the Verity wins. I've never listened to them in the same room nor with the same equipment. I have a Gamut D200 amp so there is no problem driving both speakers. My listening room is 20' X 15' I want to hear from somebody who has experience with these two speakers or opinion.

Showing 2 responses by seldon

Wow. That would be a surprising change. To be fair, I haven't heard the VR4 Gen III's (though all those numbers make me suspicious already). I have heard Von Schweikert speakers (don't remember which model or Gen or whatever), but having owned the Parsifal Encore's a few years ago, I have to say that this is a no contest.

The Parsifals (as you already know) make for some of the most relaxed non-fatiguing listening one can get! So natural.

Ultimately, it's your ears, but I will admit to being surprised by this move.

Good luck!

Your point is reasonably well taken. It isn't as bad though as never having eaten steak and declaring shrimp the winner because I HAVE heard Von Schweikert speakers and you will have to admit as John above states that THERE IS A HOUSE SOUND! So I've definitely had steak and believe I can compare steak versus shrimp (though I agree that it's not the same as the steak served at the VR4 Gen III restaurant)!

In fact, I wholeheartedly agree with John above - the Parsifal's are spectacular with vocals, jazz and generally "less dynamic or better still "less rock-like" music. The Von Schweikert (at least the one I heard) may (and I stress may) have been better, but I didn't think so. But that's my taste which is what you get when you ask people's opinions. (Eventually, I wanted more oomph too from my speakers and was fortunate to have ended up my speaker search when I m oved from the Verity Parsifal's to the Sonus Faber Amati's - which give me both the magical smoothness of the Parsifal's and more).

Regardless of all this (minor) quibbling, the bottom line is good luck Royy!