Verity Parsifal or Magico V3 or Wilson Benesch ACT

I owned a pair of the original Verity Audio Parsifals and they were fantastic in my room (19'x15'x8' - speakers on the long wall). I went high efficiency route for a while (Avantgarde Uno's then Duo's) but am looking for a dynamic speaker again.

These three are on my list, but I would consider others as well. I have not heard any of these, and nobody around has the WB Act.

I would prefer something that I could drive with around 50-100w of tube power.

Would appreciate any comments on these.

Showing 9 responses by pubul57

Seems to me there is no way you could go wrong with any of your choices. The Verity's have only improved since you had them and if you liked them then....

Otherwise, you might simply choose on the basis of which you like the look of best, they are all superb sounding speakers.

Thought a bit cheaper, you might also want to consider the Reference 3A Grand Veena - that was a pretty impressive sounding speaker, especially at its price below $10k.
It would take a lot to recommend anything other than the Verity to you as they undoubtedly excellent speakers if they already proven to be your cup of tea - trust your prior experience, it is a lot more important than anything we might have to say.
For point source soundstaging and cohesiveness across the spectrum, it would be hard to beat Merlin VSM-MXe (30 watts should be enought), but they are -2b at 33Hz, full-range enough for me and my musical taste, but maybe less than you would get with the Verity. But a very easy speaker to drive with tubes, and my choice after hearing a lot out there. That being said, the Verity and WB were defintiely on my short list - you considerations are in good company.
Whatever the measurements, the WB sounded darn good at RMAF with deHavilland electronics, and for that matter so do the Parsifals when I've heard them at various shows. Whatever the measurements say, if the speaker sounds good to me, I don't care. Everyone else in the room must have been deaf too the harmonic distortions, most everyone seemed to really like them as well. I prefer the Verity speakers, but the WB are certainly worth an audition. Or you could buy my favourite speakers - Merlin VSMs, which I think actually measure well in all respects, absent the deepest bass below 28Hz.
Dhaan, I agree that if you make claims for your technology you need to defend the rationale for the performance improvement. When I say I don't care about theory, but prefer to listen, it's because theories are indeed many times more based on marketing differentiation then anything else. I always trust my ears, and how the designer gets it done is there business. Helps from getting caught up in flavor of the month pursuits, every time a new techonology is tauted - I'm not saying there isn't some advantage to the use of carbon fibre, there might very well be. The WBs to sound good to my ears, as did the Vandersteen 5A that Audioconnection mentioned.
Marty, I agree, I've heard someone, other than Dhaan, not like the Verities (that doesn't mean that they don't sound good to him, could be). I did not know that opinion was actually divided on Merlin, certainly not from Merlin owners. One of the most remarkable statics of seen are the from the site where 121 owners of the Merlin speakers give them an overall rating of 4.97 out 5 - that is pretty overwhelming evidence that some folks really like the Merlins.
To me, listening in room with you electronics, and yes, using your ears is the only that really matters. Yes, the Merlins definitely sound best with tubes, they can work with SS, but they are not the same speaker, they are optimized for the way tubes amps work. And yes, rooms make a lot of difference. The difference between my system with room treatement and without significantly changes the perfomance (better with bass traps and side defraction panels)and in that setup, the Merlins are very coherent and balanced from top to bottom (maybe not the very bottom - but you can't have everything in a speaker - I don't think. It is interesting that Merlin lovers seem to like Verity - there is something they are both doing I right - not sure measurements would tell us why.
Dhaan, what are five objectively good speakers you think we should consider?