Variac Variable Transformer

I have a number of tube amps and tube preamps. Many are stored for a long time. Quicksilver recommends I hook up a Variac Transformer to the amps and bring up the voltage slowly and let it stay at 120 volts for ten minutes. Same process for tube preamps. I was wondering if other Audiogon members do this? I'm thinking solid state amps and preamps would be included as well...

Showing 2 responses by jritota

GS5556 I'm referring to my old Hafler XL280 that has been sitting for all that time. I'm a little worried about throwing all that current, at start up cold, into the PS caps. So I thought if I would just ramp it up in 10 20 vac increments with my 7amp variac for a period of several hours would be prudent. Any thoughts?

GS5556 does you procedure include solid state power amp that has been sitting unplugged for 2 1/2 years? Thank you for your contribution to this forum. Joe