Variac Variable Transformer

I have a number of tube amps and tube preamps. Many are stored for a long time. Quicksilver recommends I hook up a Variac Transformer to the amps and bring up the voltage slowly and let it stay at 120 volts for ten minutes. Same process for tube preamps. I was wondering if other Audiogon members do this? I'm thinking solid state amps and preamps would be included as well...

Showing 2 responses by exocet954

How long should I leave the Variac on for? Bringing up the voltage slowly to 120 volts...Mike at Quicksilver recommended ten minutes. They have been in storage over a year now, originaly built in the last several years. I have an older ARC SP-6B tube preamp stored for over 7 years as a back up preamp. Any recommendations? Thanks..
Hi guys. Thanks for this valuable information. I never thought my tube amp and preamp audio addiction would lead to these "other" issues. Oh well, It's still alot of fun even with this added to it. I found and bought a Variable Variac Transformer at Fry's Electronics of all places. It also has an analog meter. Will be using your suggestions. Thanks again...