Vapor Audio - Dagogo- Nimbus White speaker review

Mr. Schroeder seems very impressed.
Worth a hard look for those in the market for larger speakers.
Here is another review for their entry class Stiff Breeze speakers. Again major accolades:

Ryan @ Vapor is a very down to earth, intelligent and easy to work with professional.
Regards to All

Showing 1 response by roscoeiii

As someone who has now heard both the Nimbus Black and the White, I can report that they both sound fabulous. Not having them side-by-side and listening to them over a month apart, I cannot give much account of the differences.

I can say that I was a bit concerned with the ceramic drivers being a bit bright and fatiguing, and was listening closely for this when I heard the White. No fatigue or brightness, but gobs of detail. A hard balance to achieve!

A review like the one mentioned above always helps. Doug did a fantastic job of contextualizing the Vapors, and his comments here and on his system page provide some nice additional detail. A fabulous speaker, well worth finding a way to listen to.