Vandy 5 Owners & Dreamers

First let me say I own 3A Sigs. and I love them. For that reason alone I'd HAVE to be curious about the Model 5. In all the time I've been checking out Audiogon, I've only seen one pair of 5's for sale! So, 5 owners, why is that.I'd like to hear from all you guys. Hw much better is the 5 than the 3A Sig? I know you're out there cause Richard V. says he sells alot of 5's. Thanks in advance, Mark.

Showing 1 response by avguygeorge

Hi Markie,Well I almost replied yesterday;I didn't want to be the first with a negative. I came very close to buying a dealer's demo pr.#1: Couldn't sell my Aerial 10t's.The price if I could have sold, would've been near 7grand out of pocket dif.This is personal nitpicking, but,#2 I would be buying 2 more amps, as ea cabnit contains an amp.#3, Yes I would have gotten dealer setup. But,the review makes it sound like I would have to buy equipment,attend a seminar for 3 mos; so I could do my own setup.I guess one man's dream could be another's nightmare. When I move up,I'll be looking for a more user friendly,'speaker- only' pair.At 11 grand w/tx,I can't have that many down sides. Maybe after I talk to A-Rod about that loan ??( I hear he came into a few bucks lately.)