Vandy 2WQ bottoms out with movies

Hello. I have the following in my system:
Vandy 3A Sigs, VCC5, VSM1s, 1 2Wq, and 1 V2W, Bryston SP1.7 (SP2 on order) and a Bryston 9B SST.

The single 2WQ in the system is new. I was told by Vandersteen at one point before the purchase to leave the processor set to large for the 3A/2WQ. Of course leave the V2W LFE sub active as well. Well I am disapointed to hear that the 2WQ is bottoming out on some movies. (Having said that I did buy the 2WQ mainly for music anyway.) I have heard many say that rather than having the two different subs (one for movies and one for music) that 2 2 WQs work well and will deliver about the same level of bass. Unless there is something the matter with my system setup, I can't imagine how that would work. If one is bottoming out then surely two of them would too. I was thinking of going this route too. I would appreciate any advise from Vandy owners.



Showing 1 response by rex

Setting the front speakers to "large" sends full-range bass. Many movies with low-frequency effects have them mixed into the fronts as well as (or even instead of) the .1 LFE channel.

I have a full Vandersteen HT setup, and tried using stereo 2WQs at one point. They are great subs for music, but I found the same thing that you did - they tend to bottom out with very intense movie sound effects. I removed them and use the fronts with a processor crossover setting that puts mid-bass into them, but shunts all of the really low stuff to the V2W sub, which handles movie LFE much better than the 2WQs did.

If you really want to keep the 2WQ for music, you might want to set a crossover point in your processor that keeps the really low stuff out of your fronts (assuming your processor has this capability).