Vandy 2CE versus Hales 3

Thinking of upgrading my Vandys, they are not the sig. Will I get a real noticebale difference with the Hales 3. Any other suggestions also appreciated. Plan on spending around 2500. Thank you. Rick

Showing 1 response by fpeel

In a recent comparison of the Vandersteen 2CE Signature to the Hale Revelation 3 I chose the Hales. The Hales cost $500 more than the Vandies, but are worth the difference. Splid bass, nicely balance sound, less laid back, the Hales suited my tastes better. In my estimation the Hales were also the only speaker in their price range (I auditioned quite a few) that just plain didn't do anything glaringly wrong. It's hard to go wrong with Vandersteen, though, and I came very close to buying the 2CE Sigs. It's a tough choice, so listen to both before deciding.