Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7

*** I tried to edit the TITLE.,,Sorry   I mean Vandie 1ci    Thanks

Hello to all! I am hoping I will get some opinions on these 2 speakers. I’m 65...a Pro musician with a degree in music. I’ve own of equipment for sure. Nothing in the Mega buck range. I did own a par of Maggie III’s 25 years ago. Vandersteen’s are really a brand I have never owned or stopped at a dealer or known someone who owned them.

I know opinions are GOING to vary. These are kinda 2 different speakers...but a similar approach. Maggie flat panel, and Vandie "no baffe.

I have an NAD 326BEE integrated amp..( very decent)....I’m about to spring for a Schiit Vidar. I have an MF V90,,Schiit Saga... I own Whafdale Diamond 240’s.

I was also set to pop for the Vidar and got into a discussion with someone at Schiit, and he generally said, looking at speakers/ headphones are usually a bigger change. So started my re-evaluation.

These are the 2 I am down too. I have 1400-1500 to spend. True-ness of timbre, soundstage are most important ot me ...because I have listened and played live music since I was 15.

I do very much appreciate your opinions. I want member to BE subjective and give me your take based on personal experience. Thank you very much, Otto


Showing 2 responses by itsjustme

I have not heard either specific current models, but i have heard a LOT of Vandersteens over the years, and some of my dealers were RV's dealers.  I owned 2s, 2Ces and 2Cis and had my electronics driving the full-on 5 system at a couple of local dealers. I even heard the old 1Bs (back when the 1 series were an inexpensive, 2-way system, at roughly $700/pr.) I date myself.

Given that you have modest (but yes, good) and lowish power electronics, that has to be a consideration - and Vandys are among the easiest speakers to drive. Not only are they relatively efficient, but their impedance is pretty easy on electronics.  Always musical, they respond well to better input material and to good setup in the room.  Vandersteens' sins are those of omission, not commission.

You really need to listen for yourself, but with $10k worth of equipment driving them in a dealer, it may not reflect your real-world situation -- and i try to avoid the "slippery slope", or "cookies and milk" or whatever you call the spiral that can result :-)

2nd call out for John Rutan (Audio Connection). If he has both, thats the way to figure it out, along with the vo,umes of system balancing input you;ve received