Vandersteen Treo CT vs. 5A

I've enjoyed my 3A Sigs for 15 years. I currently use them with 2 Paradigm Servo 15's fed through a Bryston 10B crossover. I'm happy with the sound but feel the 3As lack the last bit of transparency in the midrange and are a little soft on top. My wife is not a huge fan of their appearance but she appreciates the sound. I tried a pair of Audio Physics recently. Although they were beautiful to look at with imaging and soundstage that bettered the 3As, they were too small for my largish room so I switched back to the 3As.

I'm considering upgrading with Vandersteen but the nearest dealer is 5 hours away. Currently there is a pair or Treo CTs and a pair of 5As w/crossovers for sale online. Both are listed for about $6k.

I'm asking for opinions on which, if either, would be the best choice to upgrade. Go with the Treo and keep my subs, or go with the 5A and repurpose my subs somewhere else. The 5As are the original versions of unknown age.

My amp is an ARC Ref 110 and my room is a large open space w/ 8 ft ceilings.

Any opinions would be appreciated.

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