Vandersteen speakers and biwiring

Does anyone have experience with Vandersteen speakers and using a true biwire (not where the cables are sheathed together except for 6 inches where they connect to the speaker, but where there are two separate lines of cable being used)? What were the results? Was the sound drastically better than a single wire run with a jumper?
a friend owned some 2Cs a while back and when we bi wired them I was shocked at the improved control of the bass and bigger more open sound. This was one of my first times hearing the difference with bi wire and a learning experience too.
I dont own V's but from different speakers I have owned over the years Chapman's Maggies M-L's etc. I have found (RV's advice noted) that I usually prefer bi-wiring but not always the same cable to high and low. Try out several cables until you find a combination that works for you! (dont listen to naysayers)
Tboooe, the Synergistic cables I am currently using are internally biwired. I am unable to determine the differnce that is provided by this method since I have never run a single run of the same type of cable using a jumper.

Right now, I am looking to upgrade to either Kubala-Sosna Emotion or one of the Pranawire speaker cables.
Albertporter, it's interesting that you added Richard Vandersteen's answer to your post. I have talked to him personally and he only reiterates what it says in the link...

"Some of the benefits of bi-wiring are from the physical separation of the high-current bass and low-current midrange/tweeter wires. So-called bi-wire cables that combine the wires in one sheath do not offer the full advantages of true bi-wiring although they may be an excellent choice for mono-wiring the speakers."

He basically said that cables that are sheathed together are a waste of time and that it would be better to go with a single run and a jumper. As I have not compared the same cable in both configurations, it is impossible for me to know if what Richard said is correct which is why I asked the question. Thanks for the response. I will try to do more research and see what I can determine.

IME, it depends on if you are using single or stranded. I noticed an actual increase in performance (to my liking) when biwiring custom 18AWG dead soft 4N silver with teflon. I biwired with stranded wires (various types) and found that while it increased the soundstage- there was an undeniable smearing.
I've owned two pair of Vandersteen speakers and bi-wiring does provide a substantial increase in performance. Of course it depends on many factors including wire quality and amp design.

As for:
using a true biwire (not where the cables are sheathed together except for 6 inches where they connect to the speaker, but where there are two separate lines of cable being used)?

Please don't lump all speaker cables into the same category based on looks. Several cable manufacturers construct true bi-wire speaker cables and cover the exterior with decorative wrap to keep it tidy. That does not necessarily detract from performance and is cost saving compared to two separate runs of single cable.

In any case, here is the definitive answer, that is assuming you trust the guy that designed and built your speakers.

Richard Vandersteen's answer
Hi just out of curiosity, arent the syngergistic research cables you are using internally biwired? What were the results?