Vandersteen Quattro

What's the buzz about Vandersteen's Quattro? Anybody hear them at CES 2005?

I have my ears on them, because my next pair of speakers will be time and phase aligned. To the best of my knowledge, that doesn't leave too many choices other than the Vandersteen, Meadowlark, and Thiel lines. Je pense le Gallo Reference 3A is time, but not phase, aligned.

Anybody know of other candidates?



Showing 2 responses by jeffreybehr

Jburidan, I believe that phase-aligned and time-aligned are the same thing. A system can't have the wavefront created by all its drivers be in time alignment unless all the drivers (and crossover, of course) are phase-aligned.

I could be wrong and I'm willing to read more info about it.
Well, I was heading in the right direction, and S, you didn't contradict me. As I said, I'm willing to read and learn.


Your comment about Quad's solution must be why my 989s sound so GREAT.
